Creating native Apps for mobile by React Native

3 min readFeb 15, 2021

RN is a programming environment that relies on the JavaScript language to build real applications for Android and iOS phones, based on React, the Facebook JavaScript library used to build interfaces was built, and instead of going to browsers, React Native is for Android and iOS application interfaces, and the same application can work on both platforms at the same time, this gives web programmers a great opportunity to build powerful mobile applications with great ease and flexibility!

React Native applications are written with a mixture of JavaScript and XML instructions in the same file, and are known as JSX, and React acts as a bridge between programs written with Java for Android and Objective-C for iOS, so the application will transform from regular components for the web into regular mobile software components. It will look similar to any other application built mainly in the basic language, and because of this direct link, all application building features can be used using Java to build an effective Android application in terms of access to phone components and basic services such as camera, location, and others.

The strength of React lies in its component-building approach, in which it can be an entire interface or components in it ‘component’ and can be used in many places with great flexibility and ease, in addition to the ease of use of pre-made components.

As the response of applications is remarkably smooth in all types of devices, which makes the user more…

